Speshulist magazine

Ephemera Description
We’re Sorry but was unable, due to the following reason’s...

Style 2

Copyright 2010-2024 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:
Elias Tribble
We’re sorry
Your postman
Elias Tribble
Walk 10
Attempted delivery of a ’speshulist’ magazine
but was unable, due to the following reason/s:
I’m just borrowin it for a bit. Cheers
Copyright 2010-2024 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:
Dickie Umbridge
We’re sorry
Your postman
Dickie Umbridge
Walk 2
Attempted delivery of a ’speshulist’ magazine
My Doris says I ain’t allowed to come around here no more. She says you’re a bad influence. Sorry

Keywords: Elias Tribble Speshulist Special magazine; Post office Dickie Umbridge


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett