
Ephemera Description
Featuring Buckjump and Vimesy

Copyright 2010-2024 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:
Copyright 2010-2024 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:
Fair Exchange
Translation by Buckjump

Panel 1
Buckjump: Oh great! Take a look at this, old friend! I’ve got one of the brand new stamps? Isn’t it rare and beautiful?
Vimesy: To hell with you, you person who habitually ejects a large volume of mucous from their nasal cavities. Give me a look!

Panel 2
Vimesy: Yes, it’s okay I suppose. I’m going to steal it from you though. To steal and pillage is the duty of my clan.
Buckjump: Yes, certainly you can have a short lend of it - I know that you will protect it for the short period of time that I assume you will be borrowing it for.

Panel 3
Vimesy: Oh lord! You fat oaf! It’s mine now. I’m stealing it from you, you know? Pinching it? Are you as stupid as you are ugly?
Buckjump: You’re completely right - I don’t like those stamp hinges either. They are similar to having a bumblebee trapped in your sporran.

Panel 4:
Buckjump: Well, my friend, you go and show off my pretty stamp to your friends and family, but remember to bring it back safe and secure. It’s very valuable to me.
Vimesy: Idiot! I’m off to show it to the users of Ebay.
Copyright 2010-2024 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:
New Kilt

Keywords: Crivens!


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett